jeudi, avril 21, 2005

ARTE : Da Vinci code résumé
L'heure est grave : 57 millions de Français n'ont toujours pas lu le 'Da Vinci Code'. Manque de temps ? Peur de s'envoyer 571 pages de thriller mystico-foutraque ? ARTE Radio vous résume le livre de Dan Brown (chez JC Lattès), best-seller mondial et équivalent littéraire des cacahuètes salées.
The RuPaul Doll - a gallery of shaken faces / Shaken
Gone With The Wind
Nathan Sawaya | The Art of the Brick™
Babes in Space
Yahoo! Picks - April 21, 2005
Bitter Cinema
The birds attacked me but Hitch was scarier - Film - Times Online
TECH TIME: 50 Coolest Websites
Cris et sucotements...
Framley Museum
All Cupcakes, All The Time
36 trucs
Encyclopédie libre et gratuite de partage d'objectifs, d'expériences et de ressources.
L'équivalent français de 43 things
NASA's Return to Flight
Peak Oil: Life After the Oil Crash
"Men thought women would be impressed by pointless gambles, but women
in fact preferred cautious men. The only people impressed by their
stunts are other men." (New Scientist)

A survey by University of Maine researchers of 48 young men and 52
women reveals that bungee jumping and reckless risk taking don't boost
straight men's sexual success
The Annotated New York Times
chris jordan photography : Intolerable Beauty — Portraits of American Mass Consumption

lundi, avril 11, 2005

Outpost Daria
the real janelle
dj doigt
TV Ads, Malabar / Bigger Boobs at Kontraband - Your Enlightened Guide to Airplane Seating
Josh Rubin: Cool Hunting
Essay archive - : design magazine resource
Hint Fashion Magazine
Manolo's Shoe Blog
French Word-A-Day
Incipit Blog
Journal audio des livres lus
Art In Cities
| |
Coudal Partners - MoOM the Museum of online museums
projet domiciliaire
Moleskine 2004