samedi, juillet 17, 2004

- Une lettre d'amour pour vous (lue par la voix d'arte)
- Des pubs des années 80
- Steps in overcoming masturbation
"A friend a mine who had been a Mormon missionary came across this"guide," circa 1970, on tattered photocopy.  In fact, the pageswere stuck together."
exemples :  
16.  Wear pajamas that are difficult to open, yet loose and not binding.
19.  In very severe cases it may be necessary to tie a hand to  the bed frame with a tie
21.  Do not let yourself return to any past habit or attitude patterns which were part of your problem.  _Satan Never Gives Up_.  Be calmly and confidently on guard.  Keep a positive    mental attitude.  You can win this fight!  The joy and strength you will feel when you do will give your whole life a radiant and spiritual glow of satisfaction and fulfillment.

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